Understanding Lowe’s Sweepstakes Rules: A Simple Guide

1. Your Agreement: By entering the sweepstakes, you agree to follow these rules. The decisions of the people running the Lowes Survey (Sponsor and Administrator) are final.

2. No Blame Game: If you enter or win, you can’t blame the organizers (like the Sponsor, their partners, or employees) for any problems or losses you face because of the sweepstakes. This includes any issues with the prizes too.

3. You Cover the Organizers: If anyone (like a third party) tries to make a claim against the organizers because of your participation, you have to protect the organizers from these claims.

4. Using Your Info: If you enter, the organizers can use your name, voice, and other details in their promotional stuff without paying you. But, they’re not required to use it.

5.Tech Troubles Not Their Fault: The organizers aren’t responsible for any technical issues like lost internet connections, computer problems, or any lost, late, or messed-up entries.

6. Prize Problems: They’re also not responsible for any harm or loss caused by winning or using the prize.

7. Errors in the Sweepstakes: If there are any mistakes in how the sweepstakes is run (like printing errors or technical bugs), the organizers can change or stop the sweepstakes. They’re not liable for any damage to your computer from participating.

8. Fair Play: You can’t cheat or try to mess up the sweepstakes. If they think you’re being unfair or causing trouble, they can stop you from participating or winning.

9. Legal Stuff: The sweepstakes is governed by the laws of North Carolina. Any legal issues must be dealt with in courts in Statesville, North Carolina.

10. Don’t Mess with the Website: Illegally tampering with the sweepstakes website is a big no-no. If you do, you could face legal action.

Remember, these are just simplified points. Always read the full official rules for all the details!